Mt. Hall CC
Family Ministries
Here you can find information for all of your family needs whether it be children's ministry information and events, youth ministry, or American Heritage Girls or Trail Life. We even have a Homeschool Co-Op that meets monthly. Scroll down to find out more!
Family Ministries

Sunday School (Ages 4-12)
Our Sunday school is only available 2nd service and meets every Sunday except the 5th Sunday. We teach through Answers in Genesis curriculum. We would love to meet you and your family as we grow in the Word together!
Weekly Youth Group
Our youth group consists of grades 6th thru 12th and meets Tuesdays 6pm at our Ministry House. There is a snack room so feel free to bring money for your kids to buy some snacks. If you have any questions you can contact our main youth leader, Miranda Bowlby at mirandab@mthallcc.com.

Trail Life Boys Troop
Trail Life USA is a church based, Christ- centered, boy focused mentoring and discipleship program
If you'd like more information please contact our Troop Coordinator at brianb@mthallcc.com.
American Heritage Girls Troop
American Heritage Girls (AHG) is a scout-type character development program for girls ages 5 to 18. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity and does so by offering girls exciting opportunities to participate in badge programs, service projects, leadership opportunities, and outdoor experiences, all with an emphasis on Christian values and family involvement.
If you'd like more information please contact our Troop Coordinator at chrissyb@mthallcc.com.

Spires of Wisdom Homeschool Co-Op
Our Homeschool Co-Op is a ministry for Mt. Hall CC families who want to connect monthly but not have the rigorous weekly schedule that many Co-ops are known for. We meet once a month for a class on the 3rd Friday of the Month, and once a month for a field trip.
If you'd like more information please contact our Co-Op Leaders at spiresofwisdom@gmail.com.