Mt. Hall Calvary Chapel is a part of the Calvary Chapel Association of churches. We believe in simply teaching the Bible simply! You can access our livestream, watch past sermons, and check out and register for upcoming events. We hope you feel welcome here and choose to call Mt. Hall CC your church family!

Sunday Services
8:30am & 10:30am
(Children's Church During 2nd Service)
1554 Highway 1
Bonners Ferry ID. 83805
Tuesdays - Youth Group 6pm
514405 US-95
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805

Women's Spring Bible Study
We are excited to start our new weekly Bible study coming up the first week of March and it will got to the end of May. There will be two meeting times to choose from, one on Monday evenings 6pm at the church building, and one Thursdays 10:30am at the Ministry house. Cost for study is $12 and includes the homework binder.